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Why people are not taking climate change seriously

After reading through several non-scientific statements about the climate change, I came up with some reasons why things are not going for climate change prevention.

1) Most of the people are not willing to spend money on something where they don't get anything in return. If the climate remained on the current status, it would be considered as a zero output for people.

2) Most of the people need first to see the change to realize that something has to be done. A potential, although very probable risk in the future, is just not enough to start investing on counteractions. It seems that we, on a global stage, are not yet capable of comprehending and valuing events happening in the future.

3) Additionally, if we put billions of dollars/euros on preventing climate change and we were successful, we may face the following criticism: "Were the actual prevention measures really effective or was the situation just not that bad as we were told, and all the money spent on prevention measures should have been spent on something else."

--Olli 13:52, 8 January 2010 (UTC)

Ehdotus uudeksi etusivun ulkoasuksi

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Taustakuva: Havainnollistaa Opasnetin paikkaa Avoimen Demokratian-verkoston palvelujen osana Kansan Muisti (Eduskunnan päätösten seuranta, lakivalmistelu) + Vaalilupausarkisto (politiisten toimijoiden tekojen ja mediatodellisuuden vertailu) + Opasnet (asioiden tieteellinen perusta, yhteisöllinen ongelmanratkaisu ja suunnittelu) + Pikkuparlamentti (korkean tason keskustelufoorumi ennen ja jälkeen päätöksentekoa)

Vielä puuttuu, mutta ehkä kannattaa mainita kuntapäätöksentekotaso sekä lainvalmistelu että itse varsinaisten aloiteiden syöttö mediaan ja päätöksentekokoneistoon.