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[[Category:Guidance used in {{{useproject}}}]]♦[[{{{usepage}}}|{{{useproject}}}]]

Possible values for acceptance:

  • accepted (the guidance presented here is accepted in the useproject as such)
  • modified (the guidance presented here is accepted in the useproject with modifications)
  • rejected (the guidance presented here is not accepted in the useproject)
  • missing (the guidance presented here is not found in the useproject although you would expect it)

--# : These values should be linked to particular colours: green, yellow, red, grey, respectively; but I don't know how to do it. --Jouni 09:03, 9 July 2011 (EEST)

Selvittäkää miten ratkaistaan edellä mainittu nimeämis- ja väriongelma, alkuun pääsee taikasanoilla. Toinen asia: ruudun sijasta voisi käyttää jotain muuta merkkiä, mielellään vaikka suurta neliötä jotta väri näkyy helposti. Arvioitu työaika: 0.5 d, 35 €

# : NOTE! the fourth parameter guidance is not used in the template because it is not used on the page. However, dpl tables are created from the contents of these templates, and the parameters shows up in those tables. --Jouni 09:03, 9 July 2011 (EEST)