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Goherr main page
Consortium and contacts

Goherr assessment
Project page

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Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Communication and dissemination of results (WP7)

Goherr website

Official website (information to general audience): http://en.opasnet.org/w/Goherr

Goherr project page (public working space for project participants): http://en.opasnet.org/w/Goherr:_Project

Goherr assessment page (draws together project results): http://en.opasnet.org/w/GOHERR_assessment

Goherr flyer (upload the flyer)

Goherr publications (link to publications page)

Goherr dissemination events

International workshop No 1 (month 10)

International workshop No 2 (month 32)

Conferences, seminars (TBD)

Goherr movie A Film short on sociocultural traditions and values of Baltic salmon and herring (Month 26)

Stakeholder involvement

1) Engagement of stakeholders through interviews, questionnaires and international expert workshops

2) Advertisement via emails and in stakeholder meetings (e.g. BSRAC meeting)


Two courses will be given for PhD students and PostDocs:

1) A course in marine governance in Aalborg University by IFM-AAU

2) A course in decision analysis in the University of Helsinki by UH

More information: http://en.opasnet.org/w/Goherr:_WP7_Dissemination