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YMAL is the Assessment and Modelling Unit in the Department of Environmental Health in the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).

Although this page could contain descriptions of the unit in general, it is currently focussed on the question about the profile of the future unit head after the retirement of the current head, Matti Jantunen.

Profile of the new YMAL unit head

Please participate in the discussion! We want to ensure that a good person is looked for and found.

Here are some suggested inputs/Otto:

Key competencies
o team leadership
o active academic research with strong international collaboration network
o capability to obtain and maintain external funding
o teaching and doctoral training of junior researchers
o project management

Ph.D. in environmental, engineering or health sciences, or in economics or social sciences with significant applications in environmental health; preference in applied sciences in comparison to basic sciences.

Research themes of historical relevance
o air quality, exposure assessment; modeling, monitoring
o risk assessment, open assessment
o statistical analysis
o policy evaluation and development

Ministry of Social Affairs -linkages
THL is a sectoral research organization that maintains a substantial body of scientific expertize that is available for the Ministry for reaching its key objectives both in cases of large scale international accidents (e.g. Chernobyl), national accidents (e.g. Nokia water case), in development of efficient public health and health protection policies (e.g. air pollution) and solving local scale controversies (expert statements related to industrial sites, waste management etc.). Scientific expertize and international networking is a mandatory prerequisite for responding to these expertize needs set by the Ministry. Nonquestionable fluency in spoken, listened, written and read English is essential, French, German, Spanish, Italian and/or Russian is a significant bonus (each one), but also domestic (after all, it is not English) languages, Finnish/Swedish, are considered asset that are useful for understanding the national policy documents, the media content related to events that require and obtain public attendance, and correspondence between national stakeholders.

Other requirements
Successful applicant will need to be able to commit her/himself to the job for at least a five-year horizon. Especially the responsibilities related to obtaining and maintaining the external funding and researcher training cannot be successfully assumed for a substantially shorter period.

Ability as a public performer and skills in giving oral presentations


What is a good profile and expertise requirement for the new unit head, such that

  • the current area of the unit will be maintained and developed,
  • the unit head is capable of successfully leading the unit,
  • the unit head is capable of promoting high-level science in the area?



  • A PhD on a relevant area.
  • Research expertise in environment and/or health.

Other desirable characteristics:

  • a demonstrated interest for promoting public health
  • good interpersonal and supervisory skills, as judged by former subordinates and colleagues

See also
