Ensuring national preparedness to environmental health crises

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Ensuring national preparedness to environmental health crises is a task of the National Institute of Public Health and Welfare.

Scope (Vaikuttavuustavoite)

How can it be ensured that if a large health-threatening acute environmental event occurs, there is a clear plan, clear responsibilities, and necessary resources to minimize the harm?

  • The action plan must be known by everyone involved.
  • The action plan must be applicable to any plausible event of this kind anywhere in the country.
  • The responsibilities must be in compliance with the legislation and the true capabilities of each actor.
  • The resources must be available immediately or so quickly that a delay does not cause additional harm.



Output (Tuotos)


Procedure (Tehtävä)

There must be a continuous phone consultancy system for

  • biological threats
  • chemical threats.

Management (henkilöstö ym)